Wood Heights Fire Protection District

Founded in 1976 as an association and in 1991 the voters approved a tax levy and formation of a Fire Protection District. Currently 100% volunteer dept.

We are a 100% volunteer Dept that serves 51 square miles and about 5500 citizens. We provide Fire Suppression, Rescue, Public Relations, & First Responder in our district. Our dept has grown vastly in the past 5 years and so has our call volume. We strive to provide the best services we can to our citizens and everyday we try to meet that goal.

We are currently a volunteer fire department meaning that there is no guarantee that people are at the station. If you need anything that is non emergency just call and leave a message on the voice mail. The voice mail will email the appropriate person and they will return your call as soon as possible. If you have an emergency or need the fire department make sure you call 911 and Ray County 911 will take your information and call us out.

(816) 630-9428

5998 MO-10, Wood Heights, MO 64024

If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.

Contact Info

Wood Heights Fire Protection District
5998 MO-10, Wood Heights, MO 64024
(816) 630-9428
Visit Website